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Personal Injury Frequently Asked Questions:

Personal injury victims understandably have many questions after being hurt in an accident.  Below are some questions and answers to assist these victims. 

Will my case go to trial?

The great majority of personal injury cases don’t go to trial. Most cases are settled out of court before the trial begins. This is because the at-fault party usually concedes liability, which means that the only issue that needs to be addressed is how much the victim will be paid. 

how much is my personal injury case worth?

There is no such thing as a “typical” personal injury case, and the value of your claim will depend on many factors. The value of your claim includes both your economic damages and non-economic damages. The defendant’s resources and ability to pay are also factors that will affect your potential compensation.

What is the typical time frame for a personal injury case to be resolved?

The length of time for a personal injury case differs as it often depends on the length of time it takes for the medical treatment of the injured party. Some personal injury cases may only last a few months or weeks because the plaintiff’s injuries only required emergency room treatment on the day of the accident for the injuries they sustained. Other accident victims may have to follow up with their primary care doctor.

Often, a primary doctor will recommend conservative treatment, which can include medications or physical therapy. Depending on the type of injury and the area of the body that is injured, physical therapy can take months or even years. If conservative treatments aren’t healing the body, injections, or surgical intervention may be required.

Another factor in the time frame of a personal injury case is the settlement process. It can take months of negotiating with the insurance adjuster. If a case doesn’t settle within 2 years from the date of the accident, a lawsuit may be filed.

Once filed, it can take 1 to 3 years to get a trial date. Further, if you receive a favorable decision at trial, the defendant has the right to appeal the decision. This could take another year or 2. Undoubtedly, each of these steps has a lot of variables regarding how long your particular case could take to settle.

How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Claim in Georgia?

An insurance company in Georgia has 30 days to accept or deny your claim. Nevertheless, you can contest a decision that you disagree with. While negotiating with insurance companies, keep in mind that you have a limited amount of time to file a claim, and insurance companies may try to delay negotiations so that you miss the filing deadline.

How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Claim in Georgia?

An insurance company in Georgia has 30 days to accept or deny your claim. Nevertheless, you can contest a decision that you disagree with. While negotiating with insurance companies, keep in mind that you have a limited amount of time to file a claim, and insurance companies may try to delay negotiations so that you miss the filing deadline.

How Do I Maximize My Settlement?

You can maximize your settlement by gathering strong evidence to support your case. This can be accomplished by understanding which damages apply and obtaining evidence to support each category. In addition, your court filings must be compliant with Georgia law. 

Garrett Murphy Law is dedicated to providing competent and compassionate legal advice and representation to assist our clients in handling their legal affairs. The client ALWAYS comes first.

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